Senin, 29 April 2019

Softskill semester 8

20 Sentences with Slang Words 
1.      Ain’t : am not, are not, is not, has not
(He says he ain’t mad)
Google translate: dia bilang dia tidak marah
Correct answer: dia bilang dia tidak marah
Both of them are corret

2.      Whatcha : what are
(Hey, whatcha doin?)
Google translate: Hei, apa yang kau lakukan?
Correct Answer: Hei, apa yang kau lakukan?
Both of them are correct

3.      Gonna : Going to
(We’re gonna win this game)
Google Translate: Kita akan memenangkan permainan ini
Correct Answer: Kita akan memenangkan permainan ini
Both of them are correct

4.      Duh : had some meaning,  it can use to show how idiot you are or how you done with the situation.
(He’s dating with my friend, duh!)
Google translate: Dia berkencan dengan temanku, ya
Correct Answer: Dia berkencan dengan temanku, astaga yang benar saja!

5.      Cool: in general it’s mean cold but it can be “fantastic”
(She looks so cool with the black dress)
Google translate: Dia terlihat keren dengan gaun hitam
Correct anwer: Dia terlihat keren dengan gaun hitam
Both of them are correct

6.      Thug life: It’s for someone who has a succeed from zero. (untuk seseorang yang yang sukses padahal memulainya dari nol, atau bukan siapa siapa)
(My family really proud of her, she has a thug life)
Google Translate: Keluargaku sangat bangga padanya, ia memiliki kehidupan yang buruk
Correct Answer: Keluargaku sangat bangga padanya, ia memiliki kehidupan yang sangat sukses.

7.      Badass : Intimidating person or it can be cool
(Oh my god, he looks so badass)
Google translate: Dia terlihat sangat tampan
Correct answer: Dia terlihat sangat menajubkan

8.      Fucked up: mess or so done
(I’m fucked up)
Google Translate: Saya sangat kacau
Correct answer: Saya sangat kacau

9.      Babe: Hot
(Jungkook BTS is so babe, don’t you think?)
Google Anwer: Jungkook bts sangat sayang, bukan begitu?
Correct Answer: Jungkook bts sangat menggoda, bukan begitu?

10.  Crush: Bisa diartikan menjadi menghancurkan, atau gebetan.
(I love him when he’s smiling to me, oh my crush)
Google translate: Aku mencintainya ketika ia tersenyum kepadaku, oh naksir aku
Correct answer: aku suka banget pas dia senyum sama aku, ya ampun gebetanku

11.  Fuckin: Very very very 100x (sangat banget, parah)
(I’m fuckin sorry about that)
Google Translate: Aku sangat penyesal
Correct anwer: Aku benar benar sangat menyesal

12.  Bae : Before anyone else (kind of baby or darling)
(Bae, you are my life)
Google Translate : bae, kamu adalah hidupku
Correct answer : Sayang, kamu adalah hidupku

13.  Dying: Something that was so funny
(I’m Dying! This is so funny)
Google translate : Saya sekarat, ini sangat lucu.
Correct Answer : duh mau mati, ngakak banget yah ini lucu parah

14.  Lit: Super cool or on fire
(The Party was Lit last night)
Google translate : Pestanya menyala semalam
Correct Answer : Pesta nya pecah banget kemarin malem
15.  On point : Outstanding
(Makeup? On point)
Google Tranlate: Dandan? Tepat
Correct Answer:  Riasan wajah? Cakep

16.  The Tea: gossiping
(Call Joy, She always has the tea)
Google Translate: Sebut Joy, dia selalu minum the
Correct Answer: Panggil Joy, dia selalu punya gossip terpanas

17.  Salty: Angry or bitter about something
(Why are you always salty?)
Google Translate: Kenapa kau selalu asin?
Correct Answer: Kenapa kamu selalu sensi sih?

18.  Savage: Someone who "roasts" people nonstop and doesn't care what others will say.
(She’s win arguing with senior was savage)
Google Translate : Dia menang argumen dengan kakak tingkat itu biadab
Correct Answer : Dia menang argument sama kakak tingkat, mantep ye

19.  Yolo : You only life once
(You should go to Malaysia, YOLO!)
Google Translate: kamu harus pergi ke Malaysia, yolo.
Correct Answer: Kamu harus pergi ke Malaysia, kamu hidup Cuma sekali loh

20.  Dunno : Do not
(I dunno about this situation)
Google Translate: Aku tidak tahu tentang situasi ini.
Correct Answer: Aku tidak tahu tentang situasi ini.

Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Tugas Softskill semester 8 #CATandMT

What the difference CAT and MT ?

Machine Translation: Fast and Cheap, but Inaccurate
Machine translation is accomplished by feeding a text to a computer algorithm that translates it automatically into another language. That is, no human is involved in the translation process.
The advantages of machine translation include cost and speed. Computers can process a machine translation almost instantly. There are free programs such as Google Translate that can translate relatively short texts instantly, but if you need to translate a very long document, you can purchase software that can process an unlimited amount of text at the cost of the software alone. There is also software available that can be integrated with other computer and online tools, providing instant translations in various contexts.
The major disadvantage is lack of accuracy. If you’ve ever used Google Translate to attempt to understand a text in a foreign language, you will know that this method does not produce a particularly natural-sounding or accurate translation. Language is highly complex and dynamic, and while this type of translation technology has improved greatly over the years, it will never be able to completely accurately identify the nuances of each language and transfer them into another language.
It is possible to hire a “post-translation editor” to look over the translation and correct errors, but it can be harder to correctly deduct the meaning of a sentence from its machine translation than from its original language. Translators hired to “smooth out” such translations sometimes end up asking clients to send them the original text because the translation was unintelligible. This is a big waste of everybody’s time!
The best use for machine translation, then, is when you need to understand the general gist of a text. If you need an accurate translation that anyone can understand, you’ll want to opt for a computer-assisted translation.

Computer-Assisted Translation: Human Translation Enhanced with Computerized Tools
Computer-Assisted Translation is a human translation carried out with the aid of computerized tools. That is, a human translator is the one reading and deducing the meaning of the source text and transferring it into the target language. They are simply utilizing computerized translation tools to help them work more quickly and accurately.
You probably already use some of these tools yourself. For example, nearly every word processor, and many web browsers, have a built-in spell checker and/or automatic spelling correction function. This saves writers and translators a lot of time looking up words in the dictionary!
Speaking of dictionaries, when a translator does need to look up a word, they can save time by using a computerized dictionary. As a translator, my most often-used tools are the multi-language dictionary (to help recall words that may be escaping me at that moment) and the thesaurus (to help me choose exactly the right word for my translation).
More complex computerized translation tools include translation memory tools (databases of texts in multiple languages), terminology managers (that help translators maintain consistent terminology throughout the translation), terminology databases (to help translators locate the correct terminology for that field), bitext aligners (which align the source text and the translation for side-by-side comparison), and more.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2019



Tidak berwarna namun indah, sulit tapi itu yang terbaik

Tuhanku masih baik,
ingin memberikan satu kesempatan lagi
Jika merasa bosan, bilang saja

Menjadi baru tidak semudah itu
Kalau mudah mungkin saja neraka ditutup

Aku dulu merasa hina, ketika melihat kebelakang
Aku mencoba untuk bersih
Sulit memang,
tapi tidak ada salahnya mencoba

Terimakasih Tuhan masih memberikan
kesempatan indah ini

Jumat, 15 Maret 2019


 Senin, 12 November 2018
3G Resort Mountain View

Harapan Menjadi Terang

Terkadang menjadi tidak nyata membuat kita berada dititik aman
Mengenal satu sama lain terlalu rumit
Menjadi lebih dekat satu cara dari sekian cara

Bagaimana untuk kenyataan
Bagaimana untuk menjadi nyata
Kenyataan bahkan terlihat terlalu gelap
Menjadi nyata pun tidak akan ku lakukan

Buat kenyataan itu semakin terang
Kemudian kembali buat menjadi gelap
lalu untuk apa kau mengajari semua itu ?
dan pada akhirnya pun kau benar-benar menjadi gelap

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2019

Tugas Sofskills semester 7 #CALL

Apa itu matakuliah Pengkajian Drama Ingrris ?

  1. Pengertian Drama
Kata ‘drama’ berasal dari kata Greek (bahasa Yunani)’draien’, yang diturunkan dari kata ‘draomai’, yang semula berarti berbuat, bertindak, dan beraksi. Selanjutnya kata drama mengandung arti kejadian, risalah, dan karangan. Panuti Sujiman (editor), dalam “Kamus istilah Sastra” (1984: 20) memberi batasan ‘drama’ adalah karya sastra yang bertujuan menggambarkan kehidupan dengan mengemukakan tikaian atau konflik dan emosi lewat lakuan dan dialog, dan lazimnya dirancang untuk pementasan di panggung.
Herymawan RMA dalam “Dramaturgi” Bagian Ke I merumuskan pengertian drama berdasarkan beberapa pendapat, yaitu: (1) drama adalah kualitas komunikasi, situasi, aksi, yang menimbulkan perhatian, kehebatan, dan tegangan pada pendengar atau penonton, (2) menurut Moultan “Drama” adalah kehidupan yang dilukiskan dengan gerak, (3) drama adalah ceritera konflik manusia dalam bentuk dialog, yang diproyeksikan pada pentas, yang menggunakan bentuk cakapan dan gerak atau penokohan perwatakan di hadapan penonton.
  1. Pengertian Teater
Kata ‘teater’ juga berasal dari bahasa Yunani, Teatron yang diturunkan dari kata ‘theomai’, yang berarti takjub melihat, memandang. Jadi jelas, jika kita berbicara tentang ‘teater’, sebanarnya kita bicarakan soal proses kegiatan dari lahirnya, penggarapan, penyajian, atau pementasan smpai dengan timbulnya tanggapan atau reaksi penonton atau public. Dengan kata lain, teater memiliki arti yang lebih luas, sekaligus menyangkut seluruh kegiatan dan proses penjadian dari proses penciptaan, penggarapan, penyajian atau pementasan, dan penikmatan.
  1. Pengertian Seni Drama dan Teater
Drama adalah jenis sastra di samping jenis puisi dan prosa. Hakikat drama adalah konflik atau tikalan. Karena sastra termasuk cabang kesenian, maka drama merupakan bentuk kesenian juga. Drama sering disebut seni pertunjukan. Teater adalah istila lain dari drama, tetapi dalam arti yang lebih luas; yakni meliputi; proses pemilihan naskah, penafsiran, penggarapan, penyajian/pementasan, dan proses pemahaman atau penikmatan dari publik.
  1. Hakikat, Fungsi, dan Sifat Seni Drama dan Teater
  1. Hakikat Seni Drama dan Teater.
Yang dimaksud ‘hakikat’ di sini juga sesuatu yang ‘esensial’ (yang hakiki, yang harus ada). Hakikat drama adalah ‘tikaian’ atau ‘konflik’. Perwujudannya dalam teater dapat berupa gerak, cakapan (baik dialog maupun monolog) atau penokohan. Tikaian ini dapat berupa; tikaian yang terjadi antara manusia dengan manusia, manusia dengan binatang, yang terjadi antra individu dengan individu lain, dlll.
  1. Fungsi Seni Drama dan Teater.
Fungsi drama dan teater pada umumnya dan khusunya adalah harus berguna dan menyenangkan. Maksudnya, disamping berfungsi sebagai penghibur, seni ini juga bermanfaat, artinya dapat member ‘sesuatu’ kepada penikmatnya. ‘Sesuatu’ itu dapat berupa pengetahuan, pendidikan, pengajaran, penerangan, dll.
  1. Sifat Seni Drama dan Teatar.
Berdasarkan kurikulum 1975 dan 1984, seni drama dan teater merupanakan subbidang kesenian. Penempatan, Pengkajian Puisi, Pengkajian Cerkam Pengkajian Drama, serta Seminar Puisi memberi indikasi bahwa puisi, ragam sastra, tetapi bidang studi sastra yang berdiri sendiri. Sebagai salah satu jenis sastra dan salah satu bdiang kajian sastra, drama memiliki kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan dua jenis atau bidang studi sastra lainnya yaitu puisi dan prosa. Kelebihan terletak pada sifatnya yang lebih objektif, kolektif, kompleks dan multikontekstual. Itulah sebabnya seni drama dan teater juga ‘seni objektif’, ‘seni kolektif’, ‘seni ansambel’, ‘seni kompleks’, dan ‘seni multikontekstual’.
  1. Hubungan Seni Drama dan Teater dengan Cabang-cabang Seni lainnya
Seni drama dan teater merupakan seni yang sekaligus kompleks, hampir semua cabang seni ada di dalamnya. Sebuah drama dan teater bagai cermin tanpa bingkai. Keduanya menggambarkan gerak kehidupan. Adapun cabang-cabang seni yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung dan penunjang berhasil tidaknya sebuah pementasan drama antara lain:
  1. Seni Bahasa dan Sastra
  2. Seni gerak (acting)
  3. Seni Rias ( make-up)
  4. Seni Busana (costum)
  5. Seni Dekorasi (scenery)
  6. Seni Suara dan Musik
  7. Seni Tata Lampu (lighting)
  8. Seni Tari dan Koreografi
  9. Seni Rupa
  10. Seni Pentas,dll.

Article about CALL

 What the meaning Computer Aided Language Learning ( CALL ) ?
CALL’s origins and development trace back to the 1960’s and since has consisted of a symbiotic relationship between development of technology and pedagogy.  Its development can be divided into three phases: behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL and integrative /exploratative CALL. 
Behavioristic CALL is defined by the then-dominant behavioristic theories of learning of Skinner as well as the technological limitations of computers from the 1960’s to the early 1980’s. Up to the late 1970’s, CALL was confined to universities where programs were developed on big mainframe computers, like the PLATO project, initiated at the University of Illinois in 1960. Because repeated exposure to material was considered to be beneficial or even essential, computers were considered ideal for this aspect of learning as the machines did not get bored or impatient with learners and the computer could present material to the student as his/her own pace and even adapt the drills to the level of the student. Hence, CALL programs of this era presented a stimulus to which the learner provided a response. At first, both could be done only through text. The computer would analyze errors and give feedback. More sophisticated programs would react to students’ mistakes by branching to help screens and remedial activities. While such programs and their underlying pedagogy still exist today, to a large part behavioristic approaches to language learning have been rejected and the increasing sophistication of computer technology has lead CALL to other possibilities.
Communicative CALL is based on the communicative approach that became prominent in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. In the communicative approach, the focus is on using the language rather than analysis of the language, teaching grammar implicitly. It also allowed for originality and flexibility in student output of language. It also correlates with the arrival of the PC, making computing much widely available resulting in a boom in the development of software for language learning. The first CALL software in this phase still provided skill practice but not in a drill format, for example, paced reading, text reconstruction and language games but computer remained the tutor. In this phase, however, computers provided context for students to use the language, such as asking for directions to a place. It also allowed for programs not designed for language learning, such as Sim City, Sleuth and Where in the World in Carmen Sandiego? to be used for language learning. However, criticisms of this approach include using the computer in an ad hoc and disconnected manner for more marginal rather than the central aims of language teaching. It will usually taught skills such as reading and listening in a compartmentalized way, even if not in a drill fashion.
Integrative/exploratative CALL, starting from the 1990’s, tries to address these criticisms by integrating the teaching of language skills into tasks or projects to provide direction and coherence. It also coincides with the development of multimedia technology (providing text, graphics, sound and animation) as well as computer-mediated communication. CALL in this period saw a definitive shift of use of computer for drill and tutorial purposes (computer as a finite authoritative base for a specific task) to a medium for extending education beyond the classroom and reorganizing instruction. Multimedia CALL started with interactive laser videodiscs such as “Montevidisco” (Schneider & Bennion 1984) and “A la rencontre de Philippe” (Fuerstenberg 1993)… all of which were simulations of situations where the learner played a key role. These programs later were transferred to CD-ROMs.
In multimedia programs, listening is combined with seeing, just like in the real world. Students also control the pace and the path of the interaction. Interaction is in the foreground but many CALL programs also provide links to explanations simultaneously. An example of this is Dustin’s simulation of a foreign student’s arrival to the U.S. Programs like this led also to what is called exploratative CALL. More recent research in CALL has favored a learner-centered exploratative approach, where students are encouraged to try different possible solutions to a problem, for example the use of concordance programs in the language classroom. This approach is also described as data-driven learning. 

Softskill semester 8

20 Sentences with Slang Words   1.       Ain’t : am not, are not, is not, has not ( He says he ain’t mad ) Google translate: d...